Is it possible to take a loan from a savings bank for the unemployed. How to get a loan from a savings bank for an unemployed How to get a loan from a savings bank for an unemployed

Sberbank is a large Russian bank serving over 60% of the country's population. The controlling stake belongs to the Central Bank of Russia. Sberbank offers a full range of banking services.


Lending to individuals and legal entities;
Management of salary projects;
Settlement and cash services;
Issue of debit and credit cards;
Investment projects.

Sberbank occupies a leading position in terms of the volume of loans issued. Every year it provides financial assistance to individuals and legal entities.

And more and more often, Russians are wondering if it is possible to get a loan from Sberbank if you are not working?

Why is the bank not lending to unemployed citizens?

Sberbank issues loans to citizens with a good credit history and solvency. These applicants include employed Russians aged 21 to 65 years.

When applying for a loan to Sberbank, they must prepare the following documents:

The passport;
A document confirming the presence of registration in the territory of the Russian Federation;
Certificate of employment and income level.

The last document is the main one. If it is absent, Sberbank will refuse to lend. Why? This is associated with high risks.

A citizen who cannot document the existence of income is unlikely to fulfill financial obligations under the loan.

Sberbank does not even take into account collateral or other sources of income. In accordance with the requirements, potential clients who want to apply for a loan secured by real estate must present a certificate of income and a copy of their employment record.

Is it worth taking a loan if there is no official employment?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. There is a category of citizens who work without concluding an employment contract. They have a steady income and are ready to fulfill their loan obligations.

In their case, obtaining a loan without official employment is quite profitable. Receiving a salary, albeit in an envelope, they will be able to pay off the debt.

If we are talking about citizens who do not have a stable income, then they should refuse to apply for a loan.

Late repayment of the debt and the assumption of delays will lead to litigation and confiscation of property. The latter is quite realistic in cases where a loan was issued for a large amount.

Momentum card - an alternative to a loan for the unemployed

Credit market experts say that without confirming employment and income level, you can get a Momentum credit card at Sberbank.

It is available:

Salary and pension clients of the bank;
Debit card holders;
Owners of deposit accounts;
Borrowers who have taken out a consumer loan.

So, if a client has a deposit in Sberbank or uses a debit card, he can receive a Momentum credit card without confirming income.

To apply for it, you need to submit an online application on the official website of the bank, and after approval, come to the bank branch, present your passport and sign an agreement.

Conditions for issuing a Momentum card

The credit limit on the Momentum card is 600,000 rubles. The interest rate is 23.9%. The card is issued for 3 years. The grace period is 50 days. If a credit card is issued as part of a bank offer, then it is serviced free of charge.

Among the advantages of issuing a Momentum card are the following:

Instant issuance - within 15 minutes;
Contactless payment via Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay apps;
Electronic chip protection;
Thank You Bonuses.

Using the Momentum card, you can make purchases in stores and on the Internet, pay bills and transfer money through Sberbank Online. This is a useful and convenient product.

If you applied for a Momentum credit card to Sberbank and were refused, do not be discouraged. There are banks in Russia where you can get a loan or a card without proof of income. In addition to banks, you can contact microfinance institutions.

Most importantly, remember that taking out a loan involves financial risks. If you are confident that you can cope with the debt burden without formal employment, feel free to send an application.

Is it possible to get a loan from Sberbank if you are not working? In recent years, this question from Russian residents has been heard more and more often, since the economic crisis has adversely affected the employment of citizens of our country. Due to the massive closure of firms and layoffs, the issue of material support from the outside has become even more relevant.

When applying for a loan from Sberbank, the presence of a current place of work plays a key role. Specialists pay attention to it first of all, not forgetting to take into account the fulfillment of other requirements for providing a cash loan.

Unfortunately, we will have to upset those who are currently unemployed. Unemployed citizens in Sberbank cannot be issued a loan. The bank necessarily requires the provision of any guarantees so that the loan issued by it is repaid by the borrower on time and in full. Without this condition, the transaction cannot be concluded.

Is it possible to issue a loan if I work, but not officially

Here, alas, we also have to give a negative answer. If you look through all the offers of Sberbank on your own, then you will surely notice that the list of requirements always includes such an item as providing a work book and income statements.

If you are not employed informally, although you have a monthly income, you will not be able to confirm this fact. As a guarantee, Sberbank will again not receive anything of value, so employees will have to refuse to issue you a loan this time.

Is it possible to lend in Sberbank to citizens with low income

Although the client's income level is an important factor in making a decision on issuing funds, it is not the most important one. If you work officially and at the same time have an experience at the current place of employment of 6 months or more, even with a low income, the bank may agree to issue a loan, albeit on the so-called “lightweight” conditions. Most likely, you will simply be offered a low loan amount and simple ways to provide funds on hand that do not require collateral or security.

You can familiarize yourself with all Sberbank loan products at any time on the official website

Today, anyone can need funds. At the same time, unemployed people often need more borrowed funds than those who have a regular income. This category also includes those who are not formally employed.

Banks, when such clients apply for a loan, the question arises, how will they repay the debt to the creditor? Indeed, this point is quite important. But this absolutely does not mean that the unemployed have no opportunity to get a loan. There are more ways out of the situation than it might seem.

Passport loan

Many people think that getting a loan with a passport or any two documents is easy. In fact, everything is somewhat different. Any borrower must have a source of income, otherwise how will he fulfill his obligations to the bank? That is why credit institutions do not provide separate products for the unemployed.

A person, hoping to get a loan on a passport, should be prepared for the fact that he will have to fill out a questionnaire. It has a column about the place of work. In this case, the client must necessarily confirm his employment. To do this, he points out:

  • place of work;
  • position held;
  • phone number of the director or person responsible for personnel.

At the same time, the client signs the completed questionnaire. It also contains information that the potential borrower takes responsibility for providing correct data, otherwise he will be ready to suffer the appropriate punishment.

Invalid data

Many try to swindle the bank, indicating a fictitious place of work. At the same time, according to the number written in the questionnaire, such information is really confirmed. Going on such an adventure, a person must understand that in case of violation of the terms of the contract, the first thing the bank does is contact the organization. Ultimately, it turns out that the information provided was false. At the same time, a criminal case can be initiated against the client under 2 articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the organization that confirmed the information that the client works for them will also suffer. They, as a rule, fall into the black lists of Sberbank. This prevents any employee of the institution from taking out a loan.

If there really is income

A completely different situation is if a person does not officially work, but he has a certain income. Various royalties to the author, payments on patents, rental payments on movable and immovable property may fall under this category. Formally, this type of activity is not a job, that is, a person is considered unemployed.

And yet, in such cases, you can get a loan. This applies to special loan products. At the same time, the bank does not really understand the details, but simply estimates the level of income based on the submitted documents.

consumer credit

Today, different categories of citizens can get this type of loan at Sberbank. The main thing is to confirm the level of income. And the way in which it was received is not taken into account. Sberbank is the only bank in Russia that considers almost all possible types of income.

At the same time, it is very important to document the income. Personal income tax must be paid from them, which is confirmed by the corresponding declaration. In this case, the maximum loan amount can be 1.5 million rubles. The loan is issued for a period not exceeding 5 years. The annual rate in this case is 15.5–17.5%. The final amount of interest is set individually.

If there is a deposit

If an unemployed person has any real estate or property, he can use it to obtain a consumer loan. The funds can be used for any purpose. And the property becomes collateral for a loan.

In Sberbank, such a loan can be taken in the amount of up to 10 million rubles. 15% is charged per year. The maximum term is 7 years. As with other consumer loans, you will have to prove your income in order to receive borrowed funds.

Credit card

Another option for obtaining a loan is to issue a credit card. At the same time, in order to obtain it, the applicant may be required to:

  • passport and 1 more identity document;
  • information about the property owned by the client (it can be an apartment, a car, etc.).

Conditions for obtaining a credit card

If we compare a credit card for the unemployed and people with a regular income, we can distinguish a number of differences:

  1. The interest rate is set higher than usual. This is due to the fact that the risks of non-payment of debt increase significantly due to the lack of a permanent income. It is important to understand that the percentage is set on an individual basis. This means that the client needs to prove himself from the best side.
  2. Reduced limit. It is unlikely that the unemployed will be given a lot of borrowed funds. With the most successful outcome, you can get about 100 thousand rubles. Moreover, this amount is not given to everyone. Most of the unemployed in Sberbank can get a credit card with a limit of only 15 thousand rubles, and this is provided that they have accounts with this bank or have already taken loans from it and repaid the debt without delay.
  3. The value of a positive credit history. If there is one, then the unemployed are more likely to get a credit card, all other things being equal.


The Momentum credit card is provided at Sberbank to those categories of citizens who have recently lost their jobs. The credit limit is set at around 150 thousand rubles. True, for the unemployed, it can be significantly reduced to 10-15 thousand rubles on an individual basis. If, for a certain time of use, the client paid the amount of debts on time, then the limit can be increased.

As you can see, there are not so few opportunities for obtaining a loan for the unemployed in Sberbank. It is only important to have income, information about which can be taken into account when considering the application.

Having lost a job, anyone can experience financial difficulties. One of the ways to solve the problem will be to contact the bank in order to borrow money.

To do this, you need to decide whether it is possible to take a loan from Sberbank if you do not work officially and what efforts need to be made to successfully implement this task. What is important, you will have to do this without providing a certificate of income. Despite the risks, the bank from time to time lends funds to people who do not have formal employment. Below it is proposed to consider the features of this process, specific recommendations.

Why Sberbank refuses to lend to the unemployed

The reason why bank employees prefer not to issue funds is banal - there is no certainty that the previously received amount will be returned in full accordance with the agreement concluded. It should be borne in mind that in case of late payment of money, the following financial obligations are imposed on the client:

  1. The amount of the loan itself, established by the agreement.
  2. Interest on the use of received money.
  3. In case of delay, a penalty fee is charged, which must also be paid in full.

All this adds up to a hefty sum when added together.

Is it worth getting a loan if there is no official employment (risk factors)

The risk factors are quite large. In the event that there is no work, there is no confidence in a potential unemployed borrower. What does the bank think?

  1. The loan will not be partially repaid, even if the borrower finds a new job, before this period there is instability in payments, constant delays.
  2. The loan will not be paid in full due to lack of money from a potential borrower. The result will be an appeal to the court with the official start of the process. It is not known how long the verdict will be delivered, that is, you can wait several months and even years.
  3. The money will be returned exactly on time, but this is observed in extremely rare cases.

However, if you need to know if Sberbank will give you a loan if you are not officially working, check out the information below.

How to get a loan without formal employment

Now you can clarify how to get a loan from Sberbank without official employment. The bank offers three types of loans that the unemployed can get:

  1. A consumer loan issued for the specific needs of a potential borrower.
  2. Issuance of a Momentum credit card, which has a minimum amount of funds.
  3. Loan secured by real estate.

Consumer lending secured

A consumer loan is issued to persons who work unofficially and have the opportunity to confirm their income in various ways. The loan terms are as follows:

  1. The loan amount is set in the range of 15,000–5,000,000 rubles.
  2. The interest rate is set in the range of 12.9%.
  3. The repayment period is up to five years (set based on the requested amount of funds).
Conditions for consumer credit

Separately, it is worth highlighting the possibility of obtaining a loan secured by property. In this case, the maximum loan rate is within 10,000,000 rubles, but when a person is unemployed, the amount can be reduced by 20–40%. The minimum rate in this case is 14%, the loan repayment period is no more than 20 years. An apartment, a house, a garage, a land plot are brought as collateral.

Conditions for a non-purpose loan secured by real estate

Credit card processing

The Momentum credit card is the last chance for a potential borrower to receive money. If you do not approve a consumer loan and do not issue funds secured by real estate, you can only rely on a bank card.

It should be noted that this is one of the most popular products of the bank, despite its very average limits. In particular, the maximum amount of money on the card is 120,000 rubles, and the interest rate is within 25%. There is also a grace period of 50 days. The total payment period is 3 years.

How can you confirm the level of solvency without an official place of employment

Confirming the solvency indicator is simple. It is only necessary to correctly fill out the questionnaire, and then provide information that would confirm the source of income. As a way to confirm, it will fit perfectly:

  • statements that can be easily made from a deposit account;
  • real estate lease agreement;
  • a receipt that indicates previous operations for paying cash bills.

It is important to note that the bank carefully checks the accuracy of key information. If a fictitious place of work is indicated, old statements made from a deposit account, the bank will refuse the service, blacklist the borrower.


Despite the abundance of offers from the bank, there is no guarantee that the submitted application for a loan will be approved in the prescribed amount. If, nevertheless, a refusal occurs, do not despair, it is better to try to look for the possibility of obtaining a loan at another bank, at an MFI, but this will take more time.